Hello Tarantulites!
Today we are going to discuss the Men's High Waisted Flat Front Trousers.
Flat front trousers mean no pleats! In the 1940s, the pleated trouser was everything, but as the mid 1950's came around the Rock 'N Rollers brought in sexy tighter fitting trousers, and the flat front trousers gained popularity. In the 1960's flat front trousers became even tighter and the "IN" trouser for the time!
  In the 1950's flat front trousers were mostly used for denims and work wear, but because they were form fitting (in contrast to the loose fitting pants of the 1940s) and more of a casual look, they became a symbol of the modern man. Soon, the style was made with fabrics that were more expensive or dressy, making the trouser became acceptable for formal occasions and the work place. In that era, clothing was acceptable for this occasion or that occasion, so to wear the flat front trouser was kind of a very wild thing to do!
Late 1950's early 1960's came out with the 4" waistband extension so there would be no "Pulling Look" at the waist, since this acted like a belt. Pretty ingenious, huh? Also an inside waist button distributed some of the stress. Our FLAT FRONT TROUSER from Tarantula Clothing has the 4" waistband extension with a fabric covered button!
They also come with 2 back welt pockets for your wallet, cigarettes, or switch blades.
So now you can wear the flat front trouser to the dances or clubs and you were considered super wild and sexy! Sexy was new, and Wild was new too. You can wear the flat front trouser with a blazer for work or a party. But to hang around the grease monkeys you can wear with a waist zip front waistcoat and maybe a t-shirt underneath. That was like wearing your underwear in public!
 These Mustard and Camel Flat Front Trousers can be worn with a black short sleeve shirt (with the sleeves rolled up) or a long sleeve black shirt with a mustard or tan tie. Or can be worn with a t-shirt for everyday use. Don't be afraid of ruining them - we have more available!Â